About The Project
In this assignment, I was to envision a new Maybank2u SG app on the mobile platform by using data & behavioural insights to back up on my vision within 5 days. I did some online research and made featured parity across multiple competitor platforms. And have decided to put my focus on New Customer Sign-up after some findings.
Retail Banking
70% of global bank executives believe it is very important to consider how macro trends will impact the banking industry in 2020 - PWC
55% of bank executives view non-traditional players as a threat to traditional banks - PWC
Today's Challenge
• Attracting new customers as one of their top challenges over the next two years – banks are hungry for growth, and finding new customers is the first response of a good product banker. However, banks also recognise the need to deepen their customer relationships and focus more on specific customer outcomes. Hence, enhancing customer service is the number one investment priority for banks, globally.
• Retaining existing customers in face of fierce competition and new market entrants are also top challenges.
• Social and behavioural change
Business Goal
1. Attracting New Customers
2. Enhancing Customer Service
3. New Product Development
4. Retain Existing Customers
5. Regulatory Compliance
Target Audience
1. Singaporean/PR
2. Corporate Investors
3. Existing Customers
1. Conduct User Survey/Interview
2. Consolidate the findings defining the needs of the User and their pain points
Critical Constraints
I want to generate a lot of “blue sky” ideas so I kept constraints at bay. There is no technology constraint or clearly defined problem to solve in this assignment. The sky is the limit.
If I have to name a few possible constraints, here are they:
1. Technology Constraints
2. Organizational Constraints
3. National Politics
1. Developing a Customer-centric Business Model
2. Focus on: New Customer Sign-up
a) Option for User to Schedule a Meeting to Open an Account
b) Easy Steps for Account Opening
c) Offer Attractive Benefits for New Customer Sign-up
d) Offer Competitive Interest Rates
3. Design Intuitive UI Interaction
Maybank2u SG app:
Proposed Sitemap